Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sexually Transmitted Chocolate

My mind has been taking a really warped turn today. I was thinking about how much I love chocolate, and the old adage, "We always love the things that are bad for us," popped into my head. Chocolate, in itself, isn't bad for you. Sure, if I ate the amount of M&Ms I consume on a trip to Vegas or Ottawa on a regular basis I'm sure they would eventually be detrimental to my health, but I do try to metre my intake. I think the word "bad" has gotten a little blown out of proportion.

This is how I was thinking: Herpes is bad for me, and I definitely don't love it or ever want it. So is cancer, and I'm not going to send the cancer fairy a Christmas card. Maybe "blown out of proportion " is the wrong phrasing. Maybe it's just one of those things that has a lot of grey area. Eating a lot of fast food is bad. That's one end of the scale. Coming into contact with the flesh eating bacteria in a scummy pond while you have a scrape on your leg is also bad. That's the other end, and there are so many levels in the middle that it can seriously mess with you if you actually took the time to stop and think about it.

Why did I go off on this tangent this morning? I have no idea. Not many people would make the leap from eating too much chocolate to STIs (unless they happen to use chocolate in the bedroom a lot, which I don't.) However, in the future, I will definitely think twice (or more) before I eat candy off a stranger.

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